Bubba Watson – Christ Follower, Master’s Winner (in that order)


Yesterday I started watching the final round of the Master’s, in my opinion the best tournament in golf. I love watching these guys hit shots that I could only dream of hitting. I took a nap after a long Resurrection Sunday morning, I woke up and had some honey-dos to take care of, and then I returned to the couch just in time to watch a playoff between Bubba Watson and Louis Oosthuizen. They tied the first hole and then Bubba Watson took the second hole to win the green jacket.

At that point I only knew that Bubba Watson had a weird name and a pink driver. Then all of this information starts coming out. He recently adopted a baby. He I start following him on Twitter (@bubbawatson) and notice something that he posted before the final round of the Master’s Started:

Thanks everyone for the support! 3 reasons tomorrow will be#awesome, 1. Jesus has risen 2. See my new baby boy & my wife 3. Masters Sunday

Bubba Watson is a believer in Jesus Christ and uses his position as a professional platform to talk about Jesus. He’s leveraging position for Kingdom advance. Are you? Paul did…

[12] I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, [13] so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. [14] And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.

Philippians 1:12-14 ESV

Paul took seriously his mission wherever he was: in prison or out. His position existed to advance Christ and the Gospel. Bubba Watson’s position exists to advance Christ’s kingdom. Your position as student, teacher, businessman, pastor, friend, neighbor, homemaker, grandparent, etc exists to advance the Gospel. Where are you advancing it today?

Time to get to work…

Christ is all,

To read about Bubba Watson’s Testimony check it out here at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

Music for Easter/Resurrection Weekend

I’m a big fan of Matt Chandler and The Village Church.  They have recently released an album and it is excellent. It’s filled with Gospel-Centered lyrics and a powerful focus.  I’ve been listening to it for a couple weeks now nonstop.  You can purchase it here.  On Good Friday I thought that this song would be perfect: In My Place.  Here are the lyrics:

In my place, He stood condemned
He Who knew no sin became sin for us That we might become His righteousness

Bearing all my sin and shame
The punishment and blame
He conquered the grave
That we might become the heirs of grace

In my place, Jesus died
The spotless Lamb laid down His life The wrath of God was satisfied
In my place, Jesus died

Nail pierced hands, bleeding side His body bruised; my God crucified A crown of thorns, dying cries
His flesh was torn; my God crucified

Hallelujah, what a Savior! 

Christ is all,

Happiness at 33, Maybe. Made Joyful by a 33 Year Old, Definitely!

An emoticon with a smile. For more emoticons i...

According to a recent survey done by Friends Reunited the age of optimum happiness is age 33.  They polled people over 40 and found that 70 percent of respondents over the age of 40 said they did not find true happiness until they were 33 years old.  I’m 31 so this finding makes me happy (not optimally happy mind you, but in a forward looking type of way).  I’ll be 33 in 21 months.  I’m looking forward to optimal happiness.  The study made me think though.  The study made me meditate about that age and what happened to a special 33 year old more than 2000 years ago this week.

Christians are in the middle of what is known as the Passion Week.  I know that word sounds weird today linked with Jesus.  The word passion has a distorted meaning today.  It’s original english meaning was suffering.  This Friday we celebrate Good Friday.  Christians call it good because it’s the day that we celebrate Christ’s death on a cross and the salvation that it purchases for us.  This week Christians all over the globe look to this week for sober reflection, careful meditation, and excessive joy.

According to Friends Reunited 33 is the age when people attain happiness.  I don’t know about any of that, but I know that I have received excessive joy from a 33 year old who hung on a tree.  I know that I am blessed immeasurably because of what a 33 year old did for me on a cross.

I don’t think you find happiness at an age.  I think you find happiness in a person.  I humbly submit to you that person is Jesus.  May you find peace in Christ.

Christ is all,

Here are some Scriptures that I’ve been meditating on this week.  Maybe you’ll find them beneficial.

Hebrews 12:1-2
[12:1] Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, [2] looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

2 Corinthians 5:17-21
[17] Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. [18] All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; [19] that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. [20] Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. [21] For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Galatians 6:14
[14] But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

Ed Stetzer – The Explicit Gospel: An Interview with Matt Chandler

I’ve already preordered my copy of this book.  Eagerly looking forward to it’s release.  Here’s an interview with Matt Chandler (Teaching Pastor at the Village Church) done by Ed Stetzer (head of Lifeway Research).

Ed Stetzer – The Explicit Gospel: An Interview with Matt Chandler.

Goals Update – April 2, 2012

I’ve been sharing my goals updates for a few months now.  Sharing progress has kind of been an accountability thing for me. I know I’m going to share it every month and so I’ve got to keep it up.

  • Lose 35 lbs. I’m down 29 pounds after my weigh in today. In January I worked on just exercising regularly. During February I focused on watching calories Monday – Friday AND Working out 5 times a week. Throughout March I became more conscious about what I eat on the weekends and making sure I do at least one “project” around my house on the weekends.  I’m really excited about my progress here. I’ve got more energy and I find myself in a better overall mood. I also hit the golf ball further, hopefully the softball too.  Downside: none of my clothes fit.
  • Publish a book. Still editing, but moving further faster.  This is mostly Allie’s department. She is GREAT at getting me to actually say what I mean. She’s excellent with words. Here’s a link to what I think of my wife. She’s awesome!
  • Read 15 Books. I’ve finished 7 books. I’ve read:
    • Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman: A really great book that calls believers to do more than just cheer for Jesus, but really follow Him. I highly recommend it.
    • A Book You’ll Actually Read on Church Leadership by Mark Driscoll (Both interesting and helpful in thinking through specifically women in ministry)
    • Communicating for a Change by Andy Stanley (One of the best books I’ve read on preaching and teaching the Bible, if you are a communicator looking for a book to read that will instantly help your preaching/teaching then this is the book for you).
    • Sticky Teams by Larry Osborne: This is an extremely helpful book on dealing with the ins and outs of building effective teams specifically within a church context. I’d recommend many of it’s insights to business leaders as well though. Larry Osborne is a great leader and pastor.
    • Great by Choice by Jim Collins: I’m a big Jim Collins fan. He writes great stuff for business, but it is so well researched that I feel like he is unmasking some things that have been spoken about in the Bible. He recognizes much of this and knows that it has great application within church contexts.
    • Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson: An interesting book on the iconic leader of Apple. Jobs was an innovator for sure and a huge success in business, but not so much as a human. You’ll find out Steve Jobs was everything you thought and more in terms of his technological and marketing abilities, but that he is severely lacking in the character department. SEVERELY!
    • How The Mighty Fall by Jim Collins: See the Great by Choice explanation.
  • Contribute 15% to my retirement account…Up to 10% now. Lest you think I’ve made the mistake of not saving for retirement. I do have a 403(b) and a Roth IRA. I stopped for a while to follow Dave Ramsey’s baby steps and we’ve recently gotten to the retirement section.
  • Start my doctorate. STILL, Not Yet
  • Study the book of Isaiah. Through Chapter 6.
  • Increase my blog readership. In January my monthly readership was at 830, February hit 1023. My goal for March was 1500 and I had 1937!   My goal for April is 2300.  If I post I write strikes a chord with you please share it.  It will be super helpful.
  • Develop an iPhone App. No progress.

I’m excited about how far I’ve come.  It’s April 2nd and I’m close to accomplishing many of my goals and coming this far this fast has given birth to other thoughts and goals I could accomplish.  I’m not special.  I’m just getting serious about improving myself.  Anyone can do this.  The biggest thing for me in this is learning to do it systematically and submitting my goals to Jesus and allowing Him to direct me in them.

Christ is all,

Gambling on a Name: The Jets Bet on Tebow; Tebow Bets on Jesus

Tim Tebow is officially a New York Jet.  The trade was completed Saturday, March 24th.  I love Tebow.  Today he had a press conference with over 200 credentialed media personnel.  TebowMania has hit Broadway. There is no doubt that his name brings with it some controversy, a HUGE following, and a ton of publicity (ESPN ran the press conference and ESPN2 posted tweets of others who were watching the press conference).  All of this is what I think the Jets are trying to capitalize on in bring TebowMania to New York.  They are gambling on his name to bring in fans and create controversy.

Remember the Jets are in a town that is filled with big name athletes and teams.  In most cities the pro football team is the big game in town.  In New York though you are contending with the Yankees, Mets, and Knicks (have we forgotten about Linsanity?).  And don’t forget there is another pro football team in town that just won the Super Bowl…The New York Giants.  The Jets are betting on a name to help them gain and grab some publicity, sell some tickets, create some controversy, and sure…win some games.

Tebow isn’t the name to gamble on though…

I love Tebow.  I love watching him play and his herky-jerky throwing style.  (It’s a lot like watching Charles Barkley swing a golf club).  I like watching him run into the line of scrimmage like a battering ram.  I love watching him win.  I love watching him handle reporters who want so badly to catch him not doing the right thing. I loved watching him throw the pass that knocked out the Pittsburgh Steelers from the playoffs (I’m not a Steelers fan).  I love how even the most antagonistic reporters towards Tebow walk away talking about what a great guy he is.  I love that he stands for his faith firmly.

BUT While he is a good guy, good athlete, and strong testimony for Jesus I wouldn’t bet on his name.  I’d bet on the name that Tim Tebow is betting on.

[9] Therefore God has highly exalted him (Jesus) and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, [10] so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, [11] and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
(Philippians 2:9-11 ESV)

Tim Tebow’s name sells tickets (and Jockey’s and jerseys and probably just about anything).  Jesus’ name is above all names (including and especially Tim Tebow’s).

Jesus’ name will cause EVERYONE to bow one day(even Rex Ryan one day).

Jesus’ name is the one that I’m betting my life and eternity on.

I like sure things…don’t you?

Christ is all,

My Grace is Sufficient

This last Sunday at our church we had an amazing day of worship that was highlighted by a TRULY UNBELIEVABLE testimony from a wonderful woman in our church, Stephanie Palmer.  I’m embedding that video below.  PLEASE take 30 minutes and watch it.  I guarantee you it will be worth it.

Christ is all,

The Source of Humility that Leads to Unity

A couple of weeks ago my wife was out of town and I was watching our boys.  We have a 4 year old and an 11month old. They are awesome.  They laugh like crazy, check out this video:

Awesome, huh? While I was watching them I looked down for a second and looked back up and Blaise (the youngest) was crying. Just a second earlier he was fine and laughing.  Drew was nearby but he didn’t seem like he was doing anything.  So I went and picked him up.  I checked to see if he hurt himself.  I looked around to see if he had fallen on anything (he’s walking), nothing.  I checked his temperature,no problem.  He had just eaten and had his bottle and bed time was about an hour away.  Smelled the diaper, no problem there.  What could be the problem?

Then I noticed something.  I had missed it earlier.  I felt down around his legs and there was some weird bulge there.  I unzipped up his pajamas and there was a small toy that Drew had been playing with earlier.  Apparently, Drew thought that Blaise wanted the toy and so he decided the best way for Blaise to have it was to put it down his pajamas…This is the story I got from Drew anyway.

The point is there was a source to the upset baby.  There is a source for humility.  The last two days we’ve talked about humility as the key to unity.  Day 1 was about changing your mental attitude to think of others as higher than yourself.    Day 2 was about helping others through issues in their lives.  Both build unity due to humility.  Today I want to reflect briefly on the Source of Unity.

Philippians 2.5 (ESV)

[5] Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 

The Source of Humility

Verse 5 says that humility is great, but that in order to understand what REAL humility is we have to understand Jesus.  We have to know Jesus.  In order for us to not just do things that look humble, but actually be humble and walk in unity we have to know Jesus.  He’s the ultimate example of humility.

Today’s Key: Reflect on the humility of Jesus

Philippians 2.6-8 (ESV)

Read these three verses a few times (seriously, a few times, let them sink in)

[6] who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, [7] but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. [8] And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 

Think about how each phrase shows another level of humility that Jesus walked into.  Unbelievable, huh?  Whenever you are:

  • tempted to be prideful about something think through these verses.
  • thinking you are getting the slighted at work think on these verses.
  • feeling like you don’t get enough credit, think on these verses.

It changes things.  

Christ is all,